All videos for the tag : Stephan (2 videos)
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Vacation In Bliss | Stella Cardo, Stephan985200:19:59
Stella and Stephan are having their first trip together and can admit that it is a very big step in their relationship. Stella has never been so crazy about anyone else before, she cannot wait to be alone with him in a hotel room for hours on end. Waking up next to him makes her...
The Computer Guy | Stella Cardo, Stephan1316900:21:11
Stella is so happy to have Stephan fixing her computer. He is so smart and sexy, she loves to watch him work. He’s so incredibly cute, she’s wondering if he’s a virgin. The thought of popping Stephan’s cherry is kind of turning her on. Stella has always wanted to be someone’s first fuck. It’s time...